Fish-style file paths in zsh with agnoster

For users using the agnoster theme on zsh that wish to use the path style from the shrink-path plugin, there isn’t a straightforward way yet to enable this (As of now there is a PR open for this).

A quick workaround could be to just add the plugin output in the theme itself. We’ll edit the theme to add the output in the shell prompt.

I’m using oh-my-zsh in this case, so the shrink-path plugin is located in the oh-my-zsh folder. To change the file prompt we have to modify the prompt_dir() function in agnoster.zsh-theme, the following is a modified version with the prompt added.

prompt_dir() {
  setopt prompt_subst
  source ~/.oh-my-zsh/plugins/shrink-path/shrink-path.plugin.zsh
  prompt_segment blue $CURRENT_FG "$(shrink_path -f)"

Which results in this prompt:
